
Urbankick class always starts with a warm up and ends with a cool down. In this section, you will watch videos of the warm up and cool down in action. Then you will begin to practice teaching the warm up with the 32-count phrasing of the music by applying a simple methodology and using the cueing principles you learned in the previous section.


  • Cue and execute punches and dynamic low body stretches with the phrasing of the music
  • Execute proper technique for punches and dynamic low body stretches
  • Cue proper safety and technique tips for punches and dynamic low body stretches

Your Tasks:

  • Watch lecture and puzzle piece videos:
    • Lecture 1: Teaching with Music
    • Warm Up 1: Punches
    • Warm Up 2: Dynamic Low Body Stretches
    • Lecture 2: Cool Down Overview
  • OPTIONAL: Practice and submit TWO videos:
    • Warm Up 1: Punches
    • Warm Up 2: Dynamic Low Body Stretches


Email us at [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

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