
Urbankick uses a puzzle piece design that allows instructors to design their own class using the two types of puzzle pieces, sequences & athletic drills. In this section, we will give you an overview of the class format and dive deeper into each of the 3 sections that make up an Urbankick class.


  • Understand the Urbankick class format
  • Understand the purpose behind each section of class
  • Understand the warm-up and cool-down protocols
  • Identify the two types of puzzle pieces that make up the core of the class

Your Tasks:

  • Watch lecture videos:
    • Lecture 1: Introduction to Class Format
  • Read Chapters 4 AND 5 (Located in Quiz Sections)
  • Complete Chapter 4 AND 5 quizzes


Email us at askurbankick@gmail.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

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