
Flow is one of the factors that makes Urbankick unique. Glue sticks the various puzzle pieces together for a seamless transition from one to another, which creates a continuous flow from beginning to end. In this section, we will review key pieces of glue that you can use to stick puzzle pieces together. Single Slip and Rock-the-Boat are super easy sequences that you can often use as glue once your class gets comfortable with them. You will then begin to practice teaching multiple puzzle pieces and flowing from one puzzle piece to the next using glue.


  • Understand the purpose of glue
  • Identify various pieces of glue that you can use to create flow
  • Use spark cues, roadmaps, and glue to seamlessly transition from one puzzle piece to the next
  • Execute proper technique and mechanics
  • Teach to the 32-count phrase of the music

Your Tasks:

  • Watch lecture, puzzle piece, and flow videos:
    • Lecture 1: Creating Flow
    • Flow 1: [Sequence] Double up Back Kick → [Athletic Drill] Speed Skater + Jog
    • Puzzle Piece 1: [Sequence] Single Slip
    • Puzzle Piece 2: [Sequence] Double Up Back Kick
    • Puzzle Piece 3: [Sequence] Rock the Boat
    • Puzzle Piece 4: [Athletic Drill] Speed Skater + Jog
  • OPTIONAL: Practice and submit ONE video
    • Flow 1: [Sequence] Double up Back Kick → [Athletic Drill] Speed Skater + Jog


Email us at [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

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