
Athletic/H.I.I.T. drills are one of the two types of puzzle pieces that make up the core of Urbankick classes. In this section, we will review the differences between athletic drills and H.I.I.T. drills, and how they can be incorporated into Urbankick classes. You will also practice to teach and coach athletic drills and H.I.I.T. drills.


  • Understand the differences between athletic and H.I.I.T. drills
  • Identify how athletic and H.I.I.T. drills can be incorporated into Urbankick classes
  • Identify the training variables that make up a H.I.I.T. drill
  • Execute proper mechanics for athletic drills
  • Cue proper mechanics and safety tips for athletic/H.I.I.T. drills
  • Coach a H.I.I.T. drill by articulating the training variables

Your Tasks:

  • Watch lecture and puzzle piece videos:
    • Lecture 1: Introduction to Athletic Drills & H.I.I.T.
    • Puzzle Piece 1: [Athletic Drill] Quick Feet + Down Low
    • Puzzle Piece 2: [H.I.I.T. Drill] Dirty Thirty (Squats/Burpees)
    • Puzzle Piece 3: [Sequence+Athletic Drill] Triple Shot Back Kick + Kick Lunge
  • Practice and submit TWO videos:
    • Puzzle Piece 1: [Athletic Drill] Quick Feet + Down Low
    • Puzzle Piece 2: [H.I.I.T. Drill] Dirty Thirty (Squats/Burpees)


Email us at [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

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